Our Lab

Postdoctoral Researchers


Jiacheng Zhu

Jiacheng Zhu is a postdoctoral associate at MIT CSAIL. He earned his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University and holds an M.S. in Machine Learning. Jiacheng’s research is rooted in statistical inference, trustworthy machine learning, and the application of AI/ML in heterogeneous environments. His primary goal is to design ML systems that are generalizable, robust, and can function as foundational models that can be seamlessly transported to out-of-distribution domains. His work addresses challenges in areas such as physiological and cardiovascular health, as well as robotics and autonomy, and earned him the 2022 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship.


Walter Gerych

Walter Gerych is a postdoctoral associate at MIT CSAIL. He earned his Ph.D. and M.S. in Data Science from Worcester polytechnic Institute . Walter’s research focuses primarily on designing ML and deep learning systems that are robust to labeling and sampling errors and biases. His primary application areas revolve around mobile sensor time series for human activity recognition and mobile healthcare.

Graduate Researchers


Aparna Balagopalan

Aparna Balagopalan is a fourth year PhD student in EECS at MIT. Her research broadly focuses on developing fair and robust models by re-evaluating and surfacing assumptions in machine learning-based measurements in socially-relevant contexts like healthcare. Prior to this, she received a Master’s degree from the University of Toronto and a BTech degree from IIT Guwahati. She currently holds an Amazon Doctoral Fellowship from MIT’s Science Hub.


Kimia Hamidieh

Kimia is a PhD student at University of Toronto and Vector Institute visiting MIT. Her research focuses on understanding how self-supervised pre-training strategies represent data to build models that generalize well out-of-distribution, and developing methods that enable efficient and reliable adaptation. She is also interested in leveraging properties of large models for reasoning and robustness to distribution shifts.


Hammaad Adam

Hammaad is a fourth year PhD student at the Institute for Data Systems and Society (IDSS) at MIT. His work focuses on questions at the intersection of AI and healthcare equity, and aims to understand how the increased use of machine learning in healthcare can impact existing disparities. He is especially passionate about investigating ways in which we can use AI to create more equitable systems.


Vinith M. Suriyakumar

Vinith is a third year PhD student at MIT EECS, IMES, CSAIL, and LIDS. His research focuses on the theory and practice of differential privacy, algorithmic fairness, distributive justice, and optimization in machine learning. He completed his Masters in Computer Science from the University of Toronto and his Bachelors in Computing from Queen’s University. He is currently a Wellcome Trust Fellow at MIT and previously was an Ethics of AI Fellow at the University of Toronto.


Haoran Zhang

Haoran is a third year PhD student in EECS at MIT. He is generally interested in building robust machine learning models that maintain their performance and fairness across out-of-distribution environments, as well as applying such models to the healthcare setting. Haoran previously received his M.Sc. at the University of Toronto under the co-supervision of Dr. Marzyeh Ghassemi and Dr. Quaid Morris, and his B.Eng. from McMaster University.


Qixuan (Alice) Jin

Qixuan (Alice) Jin is a third year EECS PhD student doing research in Machine Learning + Healthcare. She is broadly interested in how to incorporate expert domain knowledge in data-driven models within the context of medical and biological datasets. Alice completed her B.S. in Computer Science in 2021 at Caltech. During her time at Caltech, she did research related to COVID-19 time series prediction with Professor Yaser Abu-Mostafa.


Hyewon Jeong

Hyewon Jeong is a Ph.D. student in EECS at MIT. Her primary research focus has been on applying machine learning models to solve real-world clinical problems, specifically tasks from time-series EHR data, signal data to multi-modal data. She is also interested in solving robustness, fairness, and causal inference applied to clinical and biomedical problems. Hyewon received B.S. in biological sciences and M.S. in Computer Science from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, M.D. in Yonsei University.


Yuxin Xiao

Yuxin Xiao is a Ph.D. student at MIT IDSS. His research focuses on ethical and deployable large language models (LLMs) for healthcare, with a particular interest in evaluating and enhancing the fairness, faithfulness, robustness, and transparency in LLMs. Yuxin obtained his M.S. in Machine Learning at Carnegie Mellon University and his B.S. in Computer Science and B.S. in Statistics and Mathematics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


Eileen Pan

Eileen Pan is a 2nd-year EECS PhD student at MIT co-advised by Marzyeh Ghassemi and Ashia Wilson. Her research focuses on developing scalable ways to audit and mitigate bias in deep learning models, with applications to healthcare. She also completed her BS in Computation and Cognition at MIT as a Questbridge Scholar. Her work is supported by the Jameel Clinic Fellowship and NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.


Isha Puri

Isha is a PhD student at MIT EECS and CSAIL where she is co-advised by Professor Marzyeh Ghassemi and Professor Yoon Kim. Her research focuses on building language models that can learn to reason like humans, as well as deployable, robust, and ethical AI. She graduated with her B.A. in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from Harvard University in 2023, where she was an HBS Technology Innovation Fellow. She currently holds the MIT Great Educators Fellowship and the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship.


Kumail Alhamoud

Kumail is pursuing his PhD in EECS at MIT. He is supported by the Jameel Clinic Fellowship. His primary focus lies in developing trustworthy and adaptable machine learning models. He is interested in designing ways to evaluate models under distribution shifts arising in real-world healthcare applications. Before MIT, he completed his BS in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University, and his MS in Computer Science at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), where he conducted computer vision research with Professor Bernard Ghanem. You will catch him riding his road bike around Massachusetts in his free time.


Cassandra Parent

Cassandra is a second year Ph.D. student in the Medical Engineering and Medical Physics (MEMP) program at Harvard and MIT. Cassandra’s research focuses on equitable machine learning models that target underserved health conditions. She is particularly interested in utilizing regularly captured healthcare data to create models that can be applied both in and out of hospital settings. She previously completed her B.S. in Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering at Johns Hopkins.


Name Healthy ML Position Current Position
Xuhai Orson Xu Postdoc Assistant Professor at Columbia University
Nathan Ng Ph.D. Student Postdoc at NYU
Taylor Killian Ph.D. Student Postdoc Research Scientist at Apple
Sindhi C. M. Gowda Ph.D. Student
Into Moon Ph.D. Student Postdoc at Harvard University
Yan Wu MEng Student
Kai Wang Postdoc Assistant Professor at Georgia Tech
Tom Hartvigsen Postdoc Assistant Professor at UVA
Saadia Gabriel Postdoc Assistant Professor at UCLA
Bret Nestor Ph.D. Student Postdoc at UW
Elizabeth Bondi-Kelly Postdoc Assistant Professor at UMich
Swami Sankaranarayanan Postdoc Researcher at Sony AI
Mingying Yang MEng Student Research Engineer at Apple
Neha Hulkund MEng Student PhD at MIT
‪Laleh Seyyed-Kalantari‬ Postdoc Researcher at Mount Sinai Hospital
Shalmali Joshi Postdoc Postdoc at Harvard University
Minfan Zhang MSc Student
Natalie Dullerud MSc Student PhD at Stanford
Amy Lu MSc Student PhD at UC Berkeley
Shirly Wang MScAc Student Research Scientist at Layer 6 AI
Seung-Eun Yi MScAc Student Research Scientist at Layer 6 AI
Karsten Roth Visiting Researcher PhD at University of Tübingen
Victoria Cheng Undergrad Machine Learning Engineer at Snap Inc.
Shrey Jain Undergrad BASc Eng Sci at University of Toronto